Al Qaeda - The Twin Towers - 2001 written 1999

"We should see great activity among terrorist groups especially inside the USA."
"A particularly explosive period will be September on the East Coast."
The Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Washington and the crashed jet out of Boston all happened on the East Coast in September.
"Highly volatile public reaction will lead to military response."
Bear in mind that terrorist attack does not usually produce a military response.
In this case President Bush declared war on terror and put his military on alert.
"This will correspond to a shift in US Foreign Policy of the same magnitude as that of Pearl Harbor."
Pearl Harbor was where the Japanese bombed and strafed the American fleet. This brought America into the Second World War.
"The key areas linked to these American attacks will be Afghanistan and Pakistan."
At the time this was not at all clear even after the attacks. Today we can see how accurate he was all those years ago.
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